Front Row Fashion, Beautifully Cut at COCOSA

Go shopping. Go personal

Amanda Wakeley Jacket at

Amanda Wakeley Jacket at

I am happy to invite the readers of the Ivi Varda, go shopping, go personal, to preview the pre-sales of this amazing website called COCOSA, which offers front row fashion, at incredible prices. Designers such as: Mawy, Amanda Wekeley, Matthiew Williamson, Temperley and many more are just a click away at 1/3 of the price one finds in stores and on the internet!

To become a founder member and just for ivi varda readers, created an exclusive code which is: ivivarda.

This special code is only valid for two weeks to become a founder member, so make sure you sign up quickly! The first sale is in 2 days time, so there isn’t a minute to loose!

I am in love with this timeless and amazing Amanda Wekeley fitted jacket at the fantastic price of 238.0 pounds. Need to dash and start shopping…

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